

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My First Project in Sewing

Last week I made this mini dress. It's not usual mini dress, I mean usual 'mini' that describe a very short dress. It's really 'mini', made for the size of doll. :) I made this as miniature for my next dress project. I started to learn sew again last couple of days, after finding a very inspiring site about sewing and crafting : http://verypurpleperson.com. I like her site a lot, she is so talented and everything she made is so cute and precious. She sewn her wardrobe : dresses, bags, shoes, wallets, and much more cute stuff. She even made some sewing tutorials.

I've ever learned about sewing, some years ago, but still at beginner level. My aunt took short sewing course class and often brought her homework to our home. Usually I accompany her finishing it. We made blouse and skirt with the classic sewing machine (the black one, not yet arm-free). We even made kebaya (javanese traditional cloth) and bedcover. Not very neat, with many mistakes here and there, but I'm so proud. After I married and followed my husband here, I never sew anymore, first because my real life is busy enough and second because I don't have any sewing machine here.

But this talented verypurpleperson is so inspiring, she woke my desire up to start sewing again. Her sewing is so cute so I can't stand to try making it by myself, more simpler pattern then her of course. (Hey, I'm still a beginner! ^_^).

I try to implement her tutorial at making gold dot dress, it seems easy. I made the miniature dress first, so I can expect the problems I will face when I make the real-size dress, and finding solutions to solve it. It's better to have mistake in this trial and error mini project than to have it on the real-size project. Here is the result! Not so bad I hope. At least it shaped a dress. ^_^


Since my pattern worked for the mini dress, I'm going to make it in real-size dress. But it will take a long time to finish it, I'm still doing it with hands. Yes, full hand stitch. -_-" I don't have sewing machine, and before pursuing my husband to buy it for me, I should prove him that I really-really can make something from it. And hopefully this dress will show him.

Ok, enough with talking. Time to act. Wish it won't take too long until I post the new dress (I doubt it, I'm a kind of lazy person *sigh). But still, I'm so enthusiastic, go go girl, you can do that!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Panti Jompo

Lama nggak blogging, posting lagi ah..

*lagi senggang ^_^

Kali ini cerita tentang suami.

Suamiku (bekerja sebagai staf IT) kadang dipanggil ke bagian lain buat bantuin kalo ada masalah komputer (kalau urusan beginian, jenis kelamin laki-laki lebih disukai, jadi aku jarang dipanggil-panggil, syukurlah ^_^).


Ada satu bagian di kantor sini yang isinya mayoritas (hampir semua stafnya) ibu-ibu. Bukan sembarang ibu-ibu, tapi ibu-ibu yang udah mau masuk masa pensiun. Walopun udah pada kasepuhan, tapi tetep pada semangat, dan pada bisa ngetik di komputer. Takjub lho aku waktu pertama ngeliat, pada bisa make word (mengingat aku pernah ngajarin ibuk ku caranya make word, yang berakhir dengan depresi dan putus asa).
Cumaaa.. ya itu, karena udah pada kasepuhan, jadi banyak masalah. Segudang troubleshooting. Suamiku suka dipanggil dan dimintai tolong.

"Dek, kok tombol undo nya ilang?"

"Dek, kemarin file nya ibu simpan di mana ya?"

"Ibu print yang ini kok keluarnya itu?"

"Ibu mau hurufnya kayak huruf di KK (red: kartu keluarga) itu lho." (maksutnya font Arial)

"Kok pinggirnya njeglong-njeglong ya dek?" (dan perlu waktu untuk menyadari njeglong-njeglong itu maksutnya rata kiri, bukan justify)

Pas lagi suamiku pontang-panting benerin ini-itu, ibu-ibu itu (sambil nunggu dibenerin), ngumpul dan nggosip Ariel. "Iiih.. ariel tu kok bisa-bisanya ya. Liat ndak kemarin di cek en ricek?" "Eeh.. aku bawa tabloid bintang yang baru lho, ini ada beritanya."

My husband called that section as "panti jompo".

Suatu hari habis pulang kantor suami bilang gini, "Bunda, bisa buatin ayah badge enggak."

"Badge apa?"

"Kaya pin tu lho." Secara dia tau istrinya punya hobi baru bikin pernak-pernik dan jait-menjait.

"Pin? Buat apaan?"

"Pin, tulisannya assisting elderly badge. Nanti ayah pakai tiap kali tugas di panti jompo."

Mau nggak mau jadi ngakak. Assisting elderly badge itu kan yang dipakai Russel (tokoh anak kecil pramuka di film kartun Up).

Panti jompo. Iya si, coba kalau aku yang disitu, pegel dah.. :D